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You need git for this script.

Debian / Ubuntu based distributions

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git

Arch / Manjaro based distributions

sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S git

Prepare GitHub repository

  1. Log in to GitHub
  2. Click on the + in the upper right corner
  3. Click on "New repository"


Don't create a at this point! You can create your own later.


The most important part in the next window is here to give the repository a name, you will need this later.

Create GitHub token

  1. In GitHub, click on the profile in the upper right corner
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Developer settings
  4. Click Personal access tokens (you can choose a classic token or a fine-grained token, doesn't really matter)
  5. Generate new token

Copy the new token, you will need this later.

Download Klipper-Backup

curl -fsSL | bash

Run installation

Start the installation:


The installation script guides you through the essential steps. Have your GitHub token ready for this. You can decide during the installation whether you want to install some features like backup on boot, backup on file changes, or even add the moonraker entry, etc (this can also be done afterwards).


You can run the script at any time to install any features!

Now edit your .env file.